Thursday, September 17, 2009

Honey Wheat Buns


That's the only way I can describe these honey wheat buns, because my mouth is too busy eating them to say anything.  You know those soft, delicious wheat rolls school cafeterias make? The ones you beg the lunch lady to let you swap out your beans/peas/corn/"dessert" for, but she won't let anyone have two until all the kids have been served?  Well, these are it.  Find the recipe here.  This is another one of those "KAF Guaranteed" recipes, so you can be assured that they will be both delicious and easy to make.  I formed 8 patties instead of 16 rolls and baked them for around 24 minutes (no tent needed).  I could've been more dainty and made 10 buns, but I'm just greedy like that :)


  1. Oh, yum!! I am all over some fresh bread and these look all soft and yummy. I tried a KAF recipe and it was my only flop with yeast bread. I think I need to give their recipes another try.

  2. These look fantastic! Thanks for posting!
