Sunday, February 15, 2009

Time for ValentiMes!

Happy Belated Valentine's Day everyone! This post is two weeks late, since I made these cuppies while (not) watching the Super Bowl. *Gasp!* I think something like the History Channel was on in the background. There's something about that narrator's voice that soothes me and puts me in "the zone" for decorating and assembling baked goodies.

So what do you think of my latest cavity-inducing creation? Such an effective use of sugar-on-sugar technology, is it not? Well make that sugar-on-sugar-on-sugar technology, if you count cupcake-frosting-cookie. My plan was to have the cookie on top as a removable edible decoration, but alas-- the cookie stuck so firmly to the frosting that attempts to dislodge it only resulted in the complete removal of frosting from the mini cupcake top. And a bare cupcake is a sad cupcake, so the logical solution to the problem was to take a giant bite of all three components. Sugar buzz, anyone?

Speaking of cavities, I just got the sweetest set of sparkly tooth earrings in from the talented Komodokat, a Houston-based artist. Check out her Etsy Store and buy something!

P.S. This was also the perfect opportunity to use up some of the mini cupcake liners my aunt so generously sent me. Thanks, Aunt B.! Love ya! :)

1 comment:

  1. if I could reach into my monitor for a bite, I definitely would. So cute and I know 100% tasty as always!
