It came and went without incident. Without notice, even. Two weeks ago, Kitchen Koala reached its 4th birthday, and had it not been for Teena in Toronto and Mary of One Perfect Bite wishing me a Happy Blogoversary the thought would've never crossed my mind! Thanks for being loyal readers, ladies! Special thanks also to all of you've stuck with me during my blogging hiatus and sporadic posting. :)
Just when I started posting again, I inevitably had to take a break from blogging. In the past few months, my husband and I purchased our first home. With that, of course, came the seemingly never-ending nights of cleaning, cleaning, cleaning until that house was meticulously clean. Then came the painting. Oh, the painting! I had the bright idea that repainting everything before we moved in would be the easiest option. And so we painted. Every single room. Of our 1800 square foot home. Two coats each. Did I mention I picked not one, not two, but SIX different wall colors? And that's not even counting the two colors we used for all the trim? Needless to say, we're exhausted and never want to pick up a paint roller again!
Painting aside, the moving process was pretty painless. We still have things in boxes in the spare bedrooms, but for the most part our home is assembled to our liking. Speaking of things in boxes, my digital camera (with yet-to-be-posted blog photos) is lurking in one of those boxes...somewhere. As soon as I dig it out and have internet access on my computer, I'll be able to resume a more regular posting schedule :)
Let's see, does that about cover it? Painting, moving, "lost" camera, no computer. Oh yeah...there's one more thing that's been keeping me sidelined. It has something to do with this:
There will be more to share soon, and as I enter my 2nd trimester next week hopefully I regain some of my energy back! See you soon!