- As you may already know, I am employed in the oil industry. Our little company finally felt the effects of the drilling moratorium (thank you, Mr. President), and recent layoffs in my department has led to a shift in my day-to-day responsibilities. Whereas my typical day used to be about 80% lab work and 20% computer work, my job load now has shifted more towards the 20:80 ratio. My days are spent primarily at my desk, staring at the computer screen and processing data. Unfortunately, what this translates to is my non-desire to sit down and tinker with photo editing and blogging when I punch out of work.
- I met someone so wonderful, that not only am I going to marry him in 3 months, I want to spend all my time with him. Every. Single. Waking. Moment. (yeah, yeah. Gag.) Between the wedding planning and DIY wedding crafts, there’s not much time for baking. *sad face*
- I love food. Love, LOVE, LOVE it. I love looking at it, reading about it, making it, and EATING IT. Me and Food? Best friends. But...I need to step away from baking. At least for now. My clothes no longer fit, and getting dressed most days can be a guessing game. BUT-- I’m perfectly happy self-esteem wise. In fact, I’ve never been happier. The fact of the matter is: I cannot afford an entire new wardrobe. ‘Blogger 15?’ Um...no. Try ‘Blogger 45.’ Yikes. Something’s gotta change, and I’m starting by channeling my creative energies into non-edible craftywork. (Hello yarn, remember me?)
And so it is with a heavy heart that I bid you all farewell, if only temporarily. Thanks to all my readers, followers, and faithful commenters. I’ve truly enjoyed hearing from each and every one of you, not to mention getting to know you through your blogs as well. It’s been a great run, but don’t count me out completely. The blog will remain open, and I may pay you all a visit from time to time.